Release 20240531

New Release!

This one is mostly bugfixes with a small new feature.

  • New Feature: Male and female encounters can now be toggled in settings. If you disable both male and female encounters then… well that’s not how I meant for you to play but go ahead. I think I got all of the encounters but might have missed some.
  • Bugfix: It should be easier to see your character at night when the stars are out.
  • Bugfix: MREs no longer produce a ton of leftovers when you’re overstuffed. Max overstuffing is also capped.
  • Bugfix: Save and load wasn’t working properly and required people to quit to the title menu to change characters. That should be working now.
  • Change: Sleep deprivation is slightly more forgiving.

Notable things that I haven’t fixed but would like to:

There’s an issue reported where rapidly clicking while the UI is fading can cause the game to get into a weird state. I have a guess about what’s causing this and the reporter was very helpful in demonstrating the issue, but I have to figure out how to fix it. I’m worried it’s caused by how I’m handling dialog and that would be a very deep, very fundamental change.

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I do enjoy this game!

Think you can add cheats to the game, such as the player never burst even if the fill meter is at 100%, or the player starts with 100% infection?

Thank you! Appreciate the kind words very much. (Please feel free to leave a rating.) I might add cheats in the future, but need to be focusing on content for now.

(1 edit)

You know a thing when you use some soft and there's a dialog box that blocks you from using the rest of the program?  The same thing is needed here. And maybe some keyboard shortcuts.


“You know a thing when you use some soft and there’s a dialog box that blocks you from using the rest of the program? The same thing is needed here.”

Yes, but I need to figure out how to do that.

It should be happening already (except inventory, but that’s a different bug). Only one UI item can be active at a time, but when the active element changes there’s a time when the old ones aren’t active any more but still have their callbacks. It’s like if you’re using a phone and just about to push a button but something else pops up and moves the button away, but reversed.

One thing I’m trying is to disable all the other buttons on just the hud after being pressed, which won’t solve all of the issues but might alleviate the problem a little.

Shortcuts are a good idea for an accessibility function. I’ll see if I can make that happen.